Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Confessions to Mallows"

Proximity changed me
If it is only me that sees
This time it is different
I am different

I have been deaf with the words of others
But what I hear
A loud voice within the depth of me

My time is almost up
I may not have this moment again
The grains of sand is slipping in my hands
I am building up my courage
This is it
All or nothing
This is my call
I am walking up to you
Confront you
This may sound crazy
But still I am falling and falling
And I have realized
I like you
I’m willing to take this risk... for you...

"Its been a while since I last posted something, a lot of things had happened, bad things and good things and I'm lucky enough that I am still standing. Here's a nice poem to share to everybody."